Julia Fox Finally Showed Us All Her Real Personality On Call Her Daddy And She Actually Seems Cool And Interesting

Alex Cooper gets another HUGE "of the moment" guest on this week's Call Her Daddy, and after the Jamie Lynn Spears episodes, I was excited to see how I'd feel after watching Julia Fox explain her life to us. A lot of people now know her as "Kanye's girlfriend" but despite some subtle shade I've thrown in blogs about Kim and Kanye, I've seen her around the scene for a long time. What made me start to think she was cool and normal, were a few tweets praising Julia from one of my favorites bitches ever, Cat Marnell (author of "How To Murder Your Life.) She's someone I respect, and she's always pumping up Julia on social. I was ready to give her a shot. 

As far as the interview went, we really got a lot of good info. She doesn't shy away from talking about Kanye, or her semi fucked up past, and she's very open about having a much different experience than most growing up. Her parents were separated, living in different countries, and she spent most of her childhood/teen years with minimal supervision as an only child. Growing up in New York City, she explains that you "see a lot of adult things" at a young age. I've always said, city kids are freaks, mini hardened adults walking around like the run the place, because they do. Here are a few bullet points from the interview:

- growing up she was always interested in art, fashion and gaining her own independence. She wanted to start working as soon as she could - financial independence was paramount to her. 

- she first went clubbing when she was 14 years old, she and her friends made shitty fake IDs that would get them in everywhere. She compares them to the girls in the movie "Thirteen" (big points with me, I love that movie.) 

- She started smoking weed in 6th or 7th grade at her friend's house, because her friend's family was very casual about weed. She later experimented with harder drugs, eventually trying heroin (not a good look for the "weed isn't a gateway drug" crowd).

- She had her own clothing line (sold at DASH stores [which are Kardashian establishments] and worn by stars like Nicki Minaj)

- She got into the Dominatrix world. This part was fascinating. She told us in detail about her job at a "Dungeon," of which there are a handful in New York City, and explained that it felt a lot like acting to her. Men (she doesn't specify if women came) would arrive at the dungeon and choose where they would want to be; torture rooms, school rooms, doctors offices, and all of the "rooms" in the Dungeon would be decorated as such. Sometimes clients would pick certain women, other times Julia would find out last minute that she had to be playing the role of XYZ and would fulfill the fantasies of the clients. There was NO sex involved at all. 

- After she was in a bad place, out of control with the drug use and unsure of where her life was going next, she fled New York to stay with friends in Louisiana and clean up her life. She was also on probation for 3 years, and gives credit to her probation officer and probation itself for "saving her life."

- Her role in Uncut Gems was made for her (she is very close with the director who has called her his "muse" for the movie), and the character's original name was going to be Sadie, but had to be changed because that's Adam Sandler's daughter's real name. They landed on Julia, because it just fit the best.

- She calls Kanye her boyfriend, and describes their relationship as this whirlwind situation that revolves around the fact that Kanye is wanting to dress her and "elevate" her. She's appreciates him for what he is, and to me it sounds like a pretty modern relationship with little expectations. She isn't "jealous" of Kim per say, but respects the fact that everyone has other relationships in their lives. She says "I know he's with me now, and that's all that matters." She sounds like she's very secure with herself, and with everything that's going on around her. 

- She wants people to know she wasn't some random nobody before meeting Kanye, and she has the receipts. Even saying that the infamous party that included Madonna, was organized by her; NOT Kanye. 

That's pretty much the bulk of it. I recommend watching yourself, the way she tells stories and the way she speaks is interesting to see. It's obvious that she's an artistic person, that she respects the industry and she even says that she feels she "deserves" this new level of fame. She explains that she feels she's earned it after many years of hard work, and honestly, I'm inclined to agree. I respect anyone who has hustled to her extent, overcome a lot of her own kind of adversity, and doesn't hesitate to be honest about her life. While I still don't really fuck with Kanye and how he's handled his life outside of his relationship with Julia, it doesn't seem so crazy that he's attracted to her at the moment. She's easy going, malleable, and eager to make her mark on society. She certainly has my attention! 

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